Intuitive communication

It is a moment out of time and space, a moment of joy and peace during which we are just seeking to understand and know the spirit of the animal. This ancestral Native American technique, also called animal communication or communication telepathic, works telepathically, altered state of consciousness, which we all have at birth, because it is the first means of communication, but which we do not necessarily develop, for various reasons, for the benefit of speech.

In practice:
During the accompaniments that I offer, I systematically establish communication with the animal, to find out what is going on. Indeed, some disorders can be of the physical order but also of the emotional order. And sometimes it is the emotional disorder that can be the root cause of the physical disorder and / or behavioral disorder. As a naturotherapist my goal being to treat the cause and the animal as a whole, intuitive communication thus becomes a precious tool.
Free session:
This is for all pets and / or leisure animals.
Simply knowing how he is feeling, and how it is going for him.
Facilitate good understanding between two animals within the same household.
Help the family understand what their pet has been through in the past.
Reduce anxiety when an animal is separated from its human, even on a daily basis.
Optimize the adoption of an animal in a new place.
Anticipate the integration of an animal in a new place or with other congeners.

I offer intuitive communication in a therapeutic setting for emotional or obsessive disorders (fear, stress, anxiety, bulimia, anorexia, ...), I do not communicate with lost or deceased animals.