Naturopathy, or Animal Naturotherapy, is a therapeutic practice whose objective is to rebalance the stressed or unbalanced organism of an animal using natural methods, with the aim of preventing or curing health problems in addition to veterinary medicine.

I never make a diagnosis.
I am not stopping ongoing veterinary treatment.
If the problem is not within my competence, I will direct you to the appropriate practitioner.
Consultations are confidential and subject professional secrecy.
extract from the naturopathic charter
The principle of Animal Naturopathy :
According to the WHO (World Health Organization, Naturopathy or Animal Naturotherapy is a set of care methods aimed at strengthening the animal organism through means considered natural and organic. It is not only based on the implementation of place of an optimal hygiene of life, but also with various remedies and natural and energetic techniques aiming at reinforcing the defenses specific to the organism; We then speak of Hollistic medicine, because it takes into account the animal as a whole (physical , emotional, energetic and environmental). Ultimately, this makes the animal's organism more efficient and effective in its fight against health problems of all kinds. The role of naturopathy is above all preventive, even if it sometimes also has a curative action in certain very specific cases.
Progress of an Animal Naturopathy session:
Animal Naturopathy aims to energize the body and strengthen its natural defenses in order to prevent health problems and promote self-healing: it therefore does not cure a particular health problem. As an animal naturopath I will proceed systematically with a "Vitality Assessment" of the animal (the anamnesis), then allowing me to analyze its weak points and adapt the necessary responses to remedy them and make their organism more strong, thanks to the various natural and energetic methods suitable, such as:
Phytotherapy, Aromatherapy, Mycotherapy, Apitherapy, Argilotherapy, Lithotherapy, Zoocosmetology, energy treatments, ... A personalized program is then set up.
As a general rule, the animal naturopath only needs one session to offer advice, rules of hygiene of life and products adapted to a cat. However, in some cases it may be beneficial to plan for regular monitoring to ensure the progress achieved and adjust as needed.

​ Why use my services:
To prevent and to improve the health, hygiene of life and the environment of your animal.
For support in the nutritional choice or for a food rebalancing.
To clean up its natural land with cures throughout the seasons.
For natural solutions in collaboration with your veterinarian on certain issues.
With a specialization in:
- The well-being of the female genital and urogenital system (prevention of metritis, pyometra, preparation for gestation, lactation management, nervous pregnancy, ...)
- Well-being of the skin and coat (dermatitis, atopy, eczema, pyoderma, pododerma, skin allergy, alopecia, moulting management, ...), as well as in the management of emotional disorders.
In Naturopathy we try to treat the cause and not the consequence, this is the reason why we never consult a Naturopath or an Animal Naturotherapist in an emergency.
What is a Personalized Program?
After the analysis of your animal's Vitality Report, a consultation with an animal naturopath normally ends with the development of a personalized program including both specific techniques ( food supplement , clay cures, massages, etc. .) and advice intended to improve the hygiene of life (planning of exercises to be implemented, new eating habits, tips to improve the quality of sleep ...).
A good practitioner does not only dictate or send this program to the owner of the animal: he must also explain its merits so that the latter understands its importance, is able to apply it correctly. , and does not need recurring new visits in the future. It is therefore not simply a question of taking note of what the naturopath is saying: you also have to be able to understand its significance.